Getting out of the vines
I have had many experiences and lived through several shocks, but the feeling that finally I’m standing against all adversities and the future ones, its amazing. The question is… how to be so sure that even the future adversities, everything will be ok? Accepting yourself… This is the first step to get out of the binds. As a the biggest kid in the classroom, I got picked on a lot. I was smart, until at some point, I just switched. I began using my body as shield and got into fights, almost every day. I earned my respect of my classmates, but lost the one of my teachers. I grew up molding into every group and every year I had a different laugh, a different attitude and all were similar to those who I was around, who weren’t always the same. Reaching university was a wall. No friends, and all I had were bad habits. I never cared of my self, I always did what others did and told me. There, I was alone but the gods forbid I asked for help. I just tried to look around and see fo...